Bally Rehearsal Studios.
Tottenham Hale, N17. London.
Here is an overview of a lot (but not all) of the equipment that we use at the rehearsal studios.
We have more than enough amplifiers to use across all of our studios, we always have spares ready to hand, and as a general rule if a band has 2 guitarists then we give you 3 guitar amps, both so that you have extra choice and so that if any problems do develop with any of the amps you will be able to swap over to another one instantly, and then we can fix the guitar amp in a time where you are not being charged by the hour.
The amps are interchangeable between different rooms, and we are more than happy for a band to use additional amps for things like running guitar effects in stereo. In certain circumstances we have even been able to accomodate a band so that they have had 7 guitar amps, with no extra charge, although this does depend on the other rooms not needing their extra ones.
For many years we've tried to strike a balance between offering intersting vintage valve amplifiers, along with brand new amplfiiers that offer the modern convienences of in-built effects and tuners. Whenever we buy any new amplifiers, we have always got them from Thomann, so we have teamed up with them to set up a Bally Studios affiliate store.
If you like any of the gear that we have at the studios, EVERYTHING that offer at the studios is available to buy on the following link for the cheapest price possible. Even better, we'll get a small commision when you buy anything directly though the following link, as a thank you for directing you to the store, allowing you to further support a small independent business. Below is a link of everything that we offer the bands that come to us, for no extra charge.
Here is a list of everything that we have to offer. Any new items that you can buy from Thomann will be in light blue, click on the link to see much more infomation about the items.
All equipment can be moved from room to room, and if there is a particular amplifier that you like, please feel more than welcome to let us know and we'll try to reserve it for your session, for no extra cost.
Guitar Amplifiers.
1) - Blackstar Amplification Core ID150's, 150 watts with 2x10 speakers combo. (1 of 2)
2) - Blackstar Amplification Core ID150's, 150 watts with 2x10 speakers combo. (2 of 2)
3) - Blackstar ID260 TVP with 2x10 speakers combo.
4) - Blackstar ID 100, 100 watts with 2x10 speakers combo.
5) - Fender Performer 1000 combo, 100 watts.
6) - Fender SKX 65R combo
7) - Fender Champion 100 watts with 2x12 speakers, combo. (1 of 2)
8) - Fender Champion 100 watts with 2x12 speakers, combo .(1 of 2)
9) - WEM Amps London Dominator III, 1966 Valve Combo.
10) - Laney World Series 100SC combo, 100 watts with 2x12 speakers, combo.
11) - Hughes & Kettner PCS50 combo, 100 watts, connected to 2x10 bass cab for extra low end.
Guitar Amp heads
1) - Marshall Amplification Mosfet head, 100 watts, from the 1980s.
2) - Line 6 Spider 2 head, 100 watts.
3) - Vox Amplification UK 120 VTX head
4) - Grainger 100 watt head.
Guitar cabinets
1) Epiphone 4x12 cabinet.
2) Marshall 4x12 cabinet.
3) Haydn 4x12 cabinet.
4) Grainger 4x12 cabinet.
5) Marshall 4x10 cabinet
6) Rosetti 4x12 cabinet.
Bass Amplifiers
1) - Ashdown Engineering Toneman C115 Evo III
2) - Traynor Amps TS 25R, 65 watt combo with 15 inch speaker.
3) - Peavey Electronics Max 115 combo, 100 watts.
Bass Head and cab combos.
1) Gallien-Krueger backline 600, a 300 watt head connected to an 8x10 cab.
2) Hartke HS1200 head with the 4x10 Hartke bass cab
3) Laney RB4 head with the 1x15 bass cab
Extra Bass Cabinets.
1) Hartke 2x10 cabinet.
2) Fender 4x10 cabinet.
1) - Purple Pearl Export, Maple, with 20 inch bass drum, 10, 12 and 14 inch toms.
2) - Red Pearl Export, Birch, with 22 inch bass drum, 12, 13 and 16 inch toms.
3) - Green Mapex M Series, Maple, with 20 inch bass drum, 10, 12 and 14 inch toms.
4) - Ludwig, Maple, with 20 inch bass drum, 10, 12 and 14 inch toms.
5) - Stagg, in Beech, with 22 inch bass drum, 12, 13 and 16 inch toms.
Snare Drums.
A selection of 9 different snare drums, photos below.

(Photos of more amps that we have are further down the page.)
Here's some photos of our drum kits, all of which are always included in the cost price of the room. They come equipped
with a snare drum, of which we have a selection you can choose from, a set of cymbals with a pair of 14 inch hi hats, a 16 inch crash and a 20 inch ride, (please confirm ahead of time to ensure that the cymbals are available for your session), a single kick pedal, throne, and heads that are kept in good condition. We keep the drum cymbal felts, plastic cymbal sleeves and hi hat clutch in a box that is given to every band as they come to the studios, to make sure that none of these parts go missing and so that your session is not compromised. We use Remo Emperors on the batter side of the snares, Remo Ambassadors on the resonant side, and we tune them regularly. We also sell drumsticks in the office, and have a range of tambourines, cow bells and other percussion that you are more than welcome to borrow. We have members of staff who have worked as drum teachers and session drummers in the past, who take great care into keeping the drum kits in as good condition as possible.