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Bally Rehearsal Studios.
Tottenham Hale, N17. London.
​Bally Studios 8-track separation demonstration.
The most common question we’re asked by bands who book our 8-track recorder is:
“How much separation do you get if all of the band members are playing in the same room, at the same time? Don’t all of the recordings from the different microphones bleed into one?”
You'd think so, but you'd actually be surprised by how little bleed you get. The following video demonstrates the typical levels of separation. The band is playing live throughout, but we’ve muted certain microphones at certain points in the song. When a band member is shown on screen, you can hear their microphones. When you can’t see them, they’re still playing in the performance, but their microphone is muted. We’ve also indicated which drum microphones are being used at certain points, otherwise it’s the whole drumkit.
We have adjusted the volume of each microphone, and have added a bit of EQ here and there, but what you hear is what was recorded live, with little post production. This is your starting point at the mixing stage.
Individual stem tracks from the above sessions.
Here are the individual stem tracks from the above performance. In each case we have isolated each individual microphone as an individual track. The below sound samples have only had their volumes and panning adjusted, with no other post production.
Bass drum.
Shure Beta 52A
Snare drum.
Shure Sm57
Snare and kick drums.
A blend of the 2 microphones that are on the snare and kick drum.
Drums Overhead Right.
Lewitt LCT 040 microphone pointing towards the floor tom.
Drums Overhead Left.
Lewitt LCT 040 microphone pointing towards the hihat.
Drums Stereo Overhead.
A blend of the two microphones above, with the left and right overhead microphones panned left and right.
A blend of the 4 microphones listed above: bass drum, snare drum and stereo overhead microphones.
Bass Guitar
Sennheiser E 602 II microphone, positioned in front of the Fender bass amplifier, right up against the speakers.
Rhythm Guitar
Sennheiser E609 Silver microphone, dangled over the Blackstar amplifier, right up against the speakers.
Lead Guitar
Sennheiser E609 Silver microphone, dangled over the Fender amplifier, right up against the speakers
Shure Sm58 microphone, with pop shield in front of it.
Vocals with AI tratement.
This is the same signal as the untreated version above, but this was fed into an AI tool to isolate the vocals. This is just shown as an example of what is possible with AI, we personally wouldn't recommend this treament, but it's an option that is open to you.
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